Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Never Play When there is a Party Later On

Why is it that the less time you have to complete tournament the deeper you get. Case in point: Started playing the 2:00 pm $3 rebuy on stars. We were having company in at 7:30 so I figured plenty of time right? Wrong. After 2300 people signed in on with rebuys I found myself in 15th with 30 left and yes it was 7:30 with the doorbell ringing. Rapid playing , bad decisions, I was out in 21st. Can't complain but why doesn't this deep happen when one has plenty of time.

Hand of the tournament: My QQ vs. AK vs. AK. No A or K hits the board and I triple up.



Thursday, December 21, 2006

Poker Boneyard

Poker Boneyard

Well, I finished 7th in the Mookie last night. Had good cards and played ok. Made an early all in with 10's against A8 with a king on the borad when I felt that I had the best hand.

Lost to 9's with AKs but I was starting to get a bit short stacked. Kinda wished that I would have called and looked at the flop but that would commit 1/3 of my chips. Was hoping that I was against a low pair or AQ where it might have been laid down.

I enjoy playing the Mookie because there is a good level of poker there and it has helped my game. I will continue playing and hope to make it in the money. I suggest that anyone interested in improving ones game try this one.