Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A Second Place Finish

Last night I placed second in the $3 turbo for a cool win of 210. It was one of those nights. If anyone has played in this tournament it is a wild donkey fest with players. The first hour I was up and down with good cards but with the rapid blinds I found myself with 2000 in chips and the blinds at 1000/500.

qjs looked with the blinds approaching I triple up.

Three hand later qjs again, and again I tripled up against 2 K10 os . From 2000 to 20000. And then in the next 15 minutes I went from 20000 to over 200000 and became the chip leader. I got there by doubling up with AA against JJ. What a time to get Aces against someone with chips and a fairly good hand. In that streak I went in with either the best hand or a coin flip. No suckouts and I won the coin flips. It was a rush.

Hopefully this is a averaging out of all the bad beats I've taken lately and not a sign of the bad beats to come.

I went into the final table as chip leader with one other guy within a few chips. Everyone else was way down.

At the final table the cards did not come. I went in against one short stack with 77 vs. his AQ and won that. We got down to 4 players with the leader (not me) having a 2:1 advantage against pretty much the three remaining stacks of eqaul value. With no cards, I was not in the action and the chip leader took out the other 2 and I was a 7:1 underdog.

With 2 players his mode was "all-in" and I had no choice but to put it all - in with 9 5 with the blinds as high as they were against his q7. A five spiked on the turn but a 7 hit the river and I was done.