Monday, February 26, 2007

Bad Timing and Bad Play

Had a very good start last night with one hand of trip 6’s and another k’s to go from 1500 chips to 5800 chips and top ten position.

And yes in the second hour I donated all my chips with a series of missteps including.

- KK vs. AK --- Cost me half my chips

- QQ vs 55 ---- Extremely bad call on my part. Should have let it go

- AA vs my Shorted Stack KQs and I was out. WOW

So in a matter of 20 minutes I donked off all my chips after a great start. I have to get more disciplined during the mid play. I can’t risk 40-50% of my chips in at best 50/50 scenario. In each one of the plays I called a large raise with marginal calling hands. This is a major leakage on my part and I need to work on not doing this. Do not call large raises with marginal hands in the hopes you are at best 50/50.

I think my problem is that I’m in turbo playing mode and need to get into regular tournament mode.

At least I’m recognizing the fact that there is leakage in my game and I will work to improve that.

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