Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Can't Lay Them Down

Why do I have to look up someone when I’m 90% sure I’m beat. I had pocket aces with 10,10,3,3 on the board and looking at a big raise. I got to stop calling thinking that I am being beat out of the pot with a bluff. I got to get back into the mentality that it is ok to make a small mistake rather than blowing off most of your chips. I will never become the player that I hope to become by not laying down these types of hands. So what did the guy have? Well I was right in that he did not have a 10. No, he had 2 of them for quads and I’m left with 400 chips. I did battle back to 4000 chips and made it to the bubble when my AQ fell to 99 and I was out in 37th. Yes 36th paid out but I was so short stacked that everyone was waiting to bust me. Should I have been blinded in the hopes of someone else going out……maybe, but I think the object is to fight and try for the final table. And I would have been in better shape by laying the A's down.

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