Tuesday, January 30, 2007


At a $10 poker stars MTT I was playing at slightly above the chip average when I was dealt Q's, not once or twice but three time in a row.

QQ(1) - Raise 3x all fold and I collect antes.
QQ(2) - Raise 3x and called . K on flop and I subsequently loose to KQ. I did not play this well as I should have thrown them away when the K hit but his raises were so small against what was in the pot I was still priced in.
QQ(3) - Raise 3x and re-raised 2x and I call. Qxx hits the board for trips and we get all our chips in. He shows KK and of course a K hits the river and I am out.

As everyone knows Q's are a good hand but not a great hand and should be played cautiously. Everyone one of these played out differently. I'm OK with QQ(3) as he was down to 2 outs on the river and shit like that is gonna happen.

I'm pissed at QQ(2) as by playing that way I gave him enough chips to knock me out one hand later.

I'm still learning

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